Are you struggling to prepare for the PE Exam? Look at the passing rates below 👇




I created a FREE PE Guide with essential advice to pass the exam. It has been downloaded over 120 times 🤯.

I gathered feedback, improved it, and made this one 10x better!

This exam is no joke. I had to prepare by myself, and it was challenging and confusing.


Thankfully, I have been learning how to study efficiently for the past five years.

In this course, I summarize all I have learned and help you create a plan that works for YOU.

No more trying to fit into a cookie-cutter plan that leaves you confused.

We will learn about how you know and give you the tools that align the most with your learning style.

Ready? Let’s do this together!

Course Outline

Module 1

Lesson 1: My Journey Taking the PE Exam

Lesson 2: What is Like Taking the CBT Exam: Testimonial From a Recent Taker

Lesson 3: Industry-Leading Review Resources

Module 2

Lesson 4: Exploring the VARK Learning Styles

Lesson 5: Applying the VARK Learning Styles to Scienced-Backed Study Techniques

Lesson 6: Time-Management Techniques

Module 3

Lesson 7: Set the Stage For Success on Exam Day

Lesson 8: Develop a Study Plan

Lesson 9: Last Tips, Resources, and Advice

Lesson 10: Summary

Learn more:​

Do you have any doubts or questions? Reach out to or connect with me over on Twitter @LuisDuquePE